Thursday, May 13, 2010

TTM Tips (Postage Rates)

I thought it would be a good time to remind everyone the both the USPS and Canadian Post offer a "Forever" stamp. This is a good tool to use in your TTM requests. The Basic idea is that even if there is a rate increase these stamps are still good..

I know that I have received many requests back that the first thing I noticed is the age of the stamp. Using the "Forever" stamp will also keep a player from having to add pastage, in turn increase your chance of getting your item back.

The U.S. Forever Stamp

The Candien Domestic Permanent Stamp

The Canadien U.S Permanent Stamp These are use for your request from Canada to the U.S.
Please note you will need U.S. stamps on your return envelope.


  1. Would the forever stamp work if you have included a hard case or a top loader? I am always worried that I don't have enough postage. I end up using two stamps.

  2. The best way to find out would be to go to your local post office for verification. I too have wondered this, but do not typically use the top loaders in my TTM requests. I send out about 500-600 requests a year and it would get expensive.

  3. bamlinden brings up a good point with the top loaders. What's the best way to send TTM cards? I've always just put them in the sleeves and haven't had too many problems.

    I figure the player doesn't want to go through the trouble of getting the card out of the top loader then the sleeve.

    I don't plan on sending that many cards so top loaders would not get too expensive, I've just always gone with the sleeves.

    Any advice?

  4. I typically do not send any cards in top loaders. It turns into a personal preferance.

    If you do not protect your cards, you run the risk of them being damaged.

    However, If you use a toploader, you run the risk of the post office damaging the envelope because it won't run through their machines..

    Either way, there is a risk of damage. I would suggest using the method you feel most comfortable with.
