Monday, March 15, 2010

Ghost Signer Alert! (Mike Modano)

I have seen numerous reports of Mike Modano success' over the past few months via his Westland, Mich., address. C'mon, folks, seven-day returns from a player who plays in Dallas?

This address, I believe, is his mother's. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see my hometown hero ( I hail from Westland ) return three and four cards back to his fans in a week. But it just isn't the case.

Modano is one of the nicest guys in the NHL and, obviously, his mother is his biggest fan. Don't get your hopes up and, please, don't waste your stamps.


  1. Modano will sign TTM via his home address in Texas. Or at least I got him there. Anything sent to the Stars gets forwarded to the Michigan address where it is indeed his mom signing it.

  2. I have the Dallas address and will try that soon, I am still a bit sceptical but will compare it to some of the in person signings I have gotten over the years
